November 12, 2008

Hepatitis A : Introduction

Previously, also called hepatitis infectiosa. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus (VHA). In the tropics, it was reported that the infection most often occured during the rainy season. All age groups are generally vulnerable to be infected VHA. In developing countries, hygienic conditions and sanitation are very low; some children have been infected since the first year or since the birth of the baby. It’s can be known with the antigens of anti-VHA when take blood examination. Meanwhile, in developed countries, hepatitis A virus infection in infants case has been decreasing, so that usually attack the youth and adults only. This is because the condition of social, economic, hygienic and sanitation better.

Dominant transmission for hepatitis A is through the faecal oral from person to person. The faecal oral means transmission through food and drink that contaminated suffered fesses. Often found shells as a virus carrier.

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