November 04, 2008

Hepatitis In Brief

Hepatitis occurs because of inflammation in the liver network. In general, hepatitis is known as the name of the liver disease or a jaundice. However, not all of jaundice caused by liver inflammation and not all liver inflammation cause jaundice.

Liver is the largest organ of body, it weights 1,200 to 1,600 grams in adult. Liver is a very important organ to maintain life circumtances, as a central body metabolism. A very large liver capacity has lot complex functions, which are as follows:
1. Production function and bile excretion. In this case, liver is very essential since the bile functions to digestive and absorb fat.
2. Metabolic functions. Liver plays a crucial role in food materials metabolism, most them are, carbohydrate, protein, fat, metabolism and some vitamins and minerals.
3. Body Immune Function. Liver plays a detoxification function, that can change the substance-toxic substances, either from outside or from within the body into substances that are not active physiological. In addition, liver could function as a protector. Kupffer cell found in the heart, with the way fagositosis, could be able to clean the germs that enter the liver so that it does not spread. Kupffer cell could also produce immuglobin substance, which functions as immunoglobin humoral immunity; in addition it also produces various antibody substances.
4. Vascular function. Liver functions to accommodate and spread blood stream by volume from 1.3 to 1.5 liters per minute.

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