December 25, 2008

Liver Loves You !!! (3)

Liver detoxify poisonous chemicals you give them, and that includes alcohol, beer, wine and drugs (prescribed and over-the-counter) as well as illegal substances.
Without liver, your "bad" habits would kill you !

December 20, 2008

Herbs for Hepatitis (1) : Curcuma

Curcuma (Curcuma Xanthoriza Roxb), is that many types of plants found in wild under the auspices of teak and in the garden. Curcuma is members of the family Zingiberaceae. Ginger spread began to grow in low altitude to 1,500 meters above sea level with rainfall 1500-4000 mm.
A. Features morphology
This herbaceous plants is an annual, quasi-trunk, green and dark brown. High stems reach 2.5 meter. Its roots are tuberous roots of the egg-shaped (cylindrical center yellow skin and dark yellow) with the line to 6 cm in diameter. Such as ginger leaves leaf lamina that it is the mother of all bone leaves. Finger-shaped tuber (Curcuma rhizome) round such as eggs, but there is also a slightly aft usually found in the side, many around 3 - 4 pieces. Skin roots both the young and the old dirty yellow. Yellow flesh color, bitter taste, and smell the fragrance is sharp. Flower stalk with no long-range 1,5-3 cm, and the group 3 or 4.
B. Chemical Content
Roots of this plant contain the yellow pigment 1-2%, consisting of curcumin and monodesmetocsicurcumin, content about 5% essential oil, with the main components of the 1-sikloisopren mycren, b-curcumen, zanthorrhizo, germacron, felandren, sabinen, sineol, bornel, zingiberin, turmeron, atlanton, and artumeron.
c. Pharmacologists effects and properties
Part that can be used as drugs from this plant is it rhizome. Curcuma rhizome many used as a drug. In the Netherlands, curcuma recently used as a treatment plants and among the most widely pharmacy used. Curcuma rhizome (anti inflammation) and have a significant effect in improving the state of rheumatism arthritis sufferer. Extracting the roots of ginger can increase expenditure liquid bile. In high doses, ginger can reduce the rate of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). An experiment on the animal result shows that essential oil had cleritic, bactericide, and dissolves cholesterol in rats. Essential oil of ginger roots can be used to accelerate the production of bile (coleritik), lower cholesterol rate, eliminate pain (analgesic), lower body temperature (antipyretic), smoothing the gall to gut (kolagogum), and as antibacterial. Curcuma rhizome essential oil is also used as an ingredient of herbal medicine to cure fever, stiff rheumatic pain, rheumatism, restoring health after childbirth, constipation, flatulence, and lack of appetite. In addition, can also be used to prevent disease in the liver as hepatoprotector.

November 18, 2008

Hepatitis Prevention

There are some things that need to be in the prevention hepatitis disease, which is as follows:

1. Hepatitis A virus (Hva), general preventive efforts include the improvement of public health and sanitation, personal hygiene and the environment, while special effort is to form a preventive immunization.

2. Hepatitis B virus (HVB), general preventive efforts include the screening of blood donors, pregnant women and the high risks group infected by HVB. Attention to close contact with infected person and sterilization medical equipment. Special preventive efforts include passive and active immunization, and not sharing a syringe.

3. Hepatitis C virus (HVC), general preventive efforts to hold the most important role, including the screening of blood donors, high risks groups and pregnant women. Medical instruments sterilization and not share a syringe. Note that there is no vaccine for the HVC.

4. HVB and HVC with chronic need to be monitored regularly to know the journey of disease and early detection of complications. Supporting inspection need to be monitored include liver function test, Serology HVB and HVC, a Feto-protein (at HVB), USG liver, autoimmune (the HVC), and HBVDNA examination of the HCVRNA indication.

5. Hepatitis D virus (HVD), preventive efforts are not made directly. Because can not live without VHB, prevention of infection VHB indirectly will also prevent the disease hepatitis virus D. Therefore, it is necessary preventive measures against the virus with hepatitis B, that does not happen super infection with VHD. Prevention undertaken among others is by not changing sex partners.

6. Hepatitis E virus (HVE), preventive efforts include the improvement of public health, personal health and environmental hygiene also the provision of clean water that are eligible to be drunk.

7. Hepatitis F virus (HVF), the efforts undertaken with the prevention hepatitis C virus (HVC).

8. Hepatitis due to bacteria or parasites, the way of prevention need more attention to prevention efforts against the disease can also cause hepatitis.

9. For the prevention of hepatitis disease due to drugs, must be careful in consume drugs, especially when there is hepatitis pain or liver function decrease. The use of drugs must follow the correct fields.

10. For prevention of hepatitis due to alcohol , must-avoid drinking beverages.

11. For the prevention of contaminated food, should consider the food stored in the house. If the quality of foods such as peanuts, tobacco and fungi has already expired, it should be removed.